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Fair Trade Hemp and Organic Cotton​


We use some fabrics that are a blend of fair trade hemp and organic cotton. By fair trade, we certify that the textile is also free trade; wages and hours are reasonable, and working conditions are safe and comfortable. Our partners are also part of the Fair Wear Foundation.


When hemp and organic cotton are blended, the comfort of the textile becomes far greater than if just using hemp alone. At the same time, organic cotton also becomes much more durable when blended with hemp. 




As an independent clothing brand, we design and make our Fair Trade and Organic Cotton garments here in California with zero compromise, but there is still work to be done. Join us in helping to develop regional fiber systems that restore indigenous roots and bring equality to American land ownership.


Your purchase helps support our efforts to educate and invest in multiple organizations and land trusts whose mission is to bring social justice to the forefront of American textiles.

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